Danxia landform

Danxia landform

This unique geological phenomenon, known as a Danxia landform, can be seen in several places in China. This example is located in Zhangye, Gansu Province. The color is a result of millions of years of accumulated red sandstone and other sediments that have dried and oxidized.

Danxia landform

Festival of the Winds in Sydney, Australia.

Festival of the Winds in Sydney, Australia
Festival of the winds is one of the most popular event in Sydney. Hundreds of kites of all different colours, shapes and sizes dominate the skyline creating a magical spectacle. 31 th annual Festival of the Winds - an event which attracts kite enthusiasts from around the world took place at Bondi Beach in Sydney, Sunday, September 13. Scavenged all the winds of Sydney's beach provides ideal conditions for kite flying. The festival was attended by both beginners and the real experts from the Australian Society of kites. Many participants of the festival ran designed his own kites.
Festival of the Winds in Sydney, Australia

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